Dino-mite Facts for Jurassic Adventures

Mon 27 Jan 2025
Get ready for a Jurassic Adventure! The dinosaurs are coming to Derby, and they're bringing their incredible herd with them in Jurassic Earth! Join the bravest of Rangers as they guide you through Jurassic Earth. Learn fascinating facts about these amazing creatures and discover the world of dinosaurs!
Did you know that dinosaurs weren't all giant monsters? Some were as small as chickens! And while the T-Rex might be the most famous, there were thousands of different dinosaur species, each with unique features.
Tyrannosaurus Rex: This "Tyrant Lizard King" was a massive meat-eater with powerful jaws and teeth like steak knives! Its tiny arms were surprisingly strong.
Brontosaurus: This gentle giant was a long-necked plant-eater that wandered the Earth in herds. It had a small head and a long tail to help it balance.
Triceratops: This three-horned dinosaur was a tough herbivore with a bony frill around its neck to protect it from predators.

The biggest dinosaurs were plant-eaters. These gentle giants, like the Brachiosaurus, needed to eat huge amounts of plants to survive.
Carnotaurus: This "Meat-Eating Bull" had horns on its head and tiny arms, just like T-Rex. It was a fast and agile hunter.
Velociraptor: These dinosaurs were smaller and more agile than many others. They were pack hunters, meaning they worked together to take down prey.
Some dinosaurs had feathers! That's right, not all dinosaurs were scaly. Many smaller dinosaurs had feathers, which helped them stay warm.
Spinosaurus: This unique dinosaur had a large sail on its back and a long, crocodile-like snout. It was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs ever discovered.

Want to find out more for yourself? See the herd for yourself in Jurassic Earth Sun on 13 Apr. Tickets are £32-£22.
Tickets can be purchased at derbylive.co.uk, at the Sales and Information Centre at 19 Chapel Street, Derby DE1 3GU or by calling 01332 255 800.